mishi2x Designs




Drop Spindle? Huh?

I admit it. I'm stubborn and sometimes it takes awhile for me to come around. My first attempt at spinning was with a drop spindle, and as I've recounted before: it was disastrous. I concluded hastily that spinning was not for me. But after some inspiring conversations with a good friend (Leila Raabe), I got into spinning, but starting with my Ladybug.

It was less than a month ago that I became inspired to try drop spindling. Another friend pointed out an article in the latest PLY Magazine called Spindle 7. "Michele - you have got to check out this article - it's about drop spindling on your train, the 7!!"  Huh? Drop Spindle? 7 train? I was utterly confused.

I quickly did a search and found Robyn Love, the fiber artist behind the Spindle 7 project. I watched the 7-minute long video and was not only inspired to try drop spindling again, but a newfound pride in my boro, Queens, and my train, the 7 started to emerge.

Obviously learning how to drop spindle has been much easier now that I understand the concept of spinning. But like different methods or crafts, the attachment and relationship to the material and final object touches upon a different part of the person, and dare I say, soul.

I've been using a top whorl drop spindle and what I find so interesting is the direction in which the fiber flows into yarn. At a wheel, it happens quickly, and on a horizontal plane. One basically feeds the yarn onto the wheel, pushing it away from them. Using a drop spindle, it happens slowly, and on a vertical plane. It looks and feels as though the fiber is pouring down onto the spindle like warm liquid right in front of your eyes. It's fascinating to watch, and even more fascinating to do.

As you most likely know, I've opened up a pop-up shop focusing on yarns and fiber. A customer asked me why I decided to open and what I hoped to achieve, and while my knee-jerk response is "to make money", that really isn't true. I feel strongly about the qualities of working with one's hands and it has meant the most to me to share materials I love and crafts that allow us to get in touch with ourselves - like drop spindling.

Stop by the pop-up this Saturday, November 8th at 2pm to meet Robyn and learn how to drop spindle with one of the best fiber artists of our time.  (We also have copies of PLY Magazine's latest issue which includes the Spinel 7 article.)  A rare opportunity!